Can you be blind in one eye? It is possible to develop complete blindness in one of your eyes without bearing any loss on the other one. The condition is medically known as monocular vision or amaurosis fugax. Most acquired cases of single-eye blindness happen due to a complication with the blood vessels. Blood supply…
Can Honey blind you? Honey is a proven natural way of preventing and curing diseases. It can also be used as a daily remedy for treating puffy and tired eyes. Although no such harmful effect has been observed till now, to be on the safe side, one should consider and take advice from an ophthalmologist…
Can Herpes Blind you? Let’s find out. Herpes Infections are one of the most frequently recorded infections in the United States. Nearly 500,000 people get a herpes infection within their eyes every year. It is the most common cause of corneal blindness globally. There are many parts of the eye it can affect, including the…
Can Eyeliner Cause Blindness? Although eyeliner does not harm the eyes, putting it too near to them might be dangerous. Especially if someone has dry or sensitive eyes, the particles present in the eyeliner might go into their eyes and might create issues. We have a related article for you, you can read Can a…
Can an Eclipse Blind you? Before we talk about this it is important that we talk about the eclipses. There are two type of eclipses one is solar and the other is lunar. If you are not careful than solar eclipse can blind you and lunar eclipse is safer than solar eclipse. We have a…
Can a blind person be an eyewitness? In simple words, it can be stated that a blind person has increased hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting abilities compared to a regular seeing person. Thus, if the crime can be proven over these factors, such as a noise, or a strange smell, a blind person can be…