Category: Adaptive Equipment

  • 10 Adaptive Equipment Ideas for Brain Injury

    People with brain injury find it difficult to cope with daily activities, such as being social with friends and family, doing daily stuff like talking, baths, eating, or moving from one place to another. Assistive adaptive equipment can make it easier for a person with a disability to manage these activities. Adaptive equipment for a…

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  • Adaptive Equipment For Blinds & Visually Impaired

    10 Adaptive Equipment For Blinds & Visually Impaired

    Blindness and visual impairment can become severe if there is no assertive help for these people. Nowadays, blindness is not considered a physical disability because they are doing well in many sectors with the use of valuable equipment. The Adaptive equipment for blinds & visually impaired has made life more comfortable.  In this post, I…

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  • Adaptive Equipment For Buttoning Shirts For People With A Disability, What’s Available?

    In this article, I will help you with finding adaptive equipment for buttoning shirts in case that you have a disability and having difficulty doing so. Some disorders that limit people’s mobility may make it difficult for them even to button shirts. This is why there are some adaptive tools for people with disabilities in…

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  • Adaptive Equipment for Arthritis Hands

    10 Adaptive Equipment for Arthritis Hands

    Arthritis is an ailment of joints and causes swelling and tenderness in one or more joints. The disease leaves a long time effect on the body, and if you or your loved one is suffering from it, adaptive equipment for Arthritis hands can prove to be a big help. Here is a related article that…

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  • Glasses for Glaucoma

    World’s Best Glasses For Glaucoma And How To Choose One?

    Glaucoma makes eyes highly sensitive to glare & light. When you’re outside during the daylight, it becomes even more difficult to see clearly. The simples solution to fight photosensitivity is to use glasses that are explicitly designed for Glaucoma patients. If you or your loved one has Glaucoma, then wearing glasses should be the first…

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  • Adaptive Equipment Vs Assistive Device

    Adaptive Equipment Vs Assistive Device | What’s The Difference?

    Are you new to adaptive equipment or assistive device? If yes, then you might be confused about the difference between both these terms. Here is a related article that might interest you on Adaptive Equipment for Golf Playing Disabled & Elderly. Let’s take a look into adaptive equipment vs assistive devices and learn the difference…

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