Can Dyslexia Cause Fatigue? 




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Dyslexia Cause Fatigue

Can dyslexia cause Fatigue? Let’s Discuss. Tasks involving specific types of information processing, sequencing, timing, and motor coordination are impacted by challenges and variations in processing auditory, visual inputs, and movement. 

Dyslexic people face unexpected challenges when carrying out even the most basic tasks like reading or writing, understanding music or a dance step, numerical computation, organizational skills, etc. It’s safe to say that dyslexia can cause fatigue.

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Can Dyslexia Cause Fatigue? Is It Exhausting? 

Higher cognitive processing skills like thinking, comprehension, and creation, which are common in studies, are often unaffected directly. 

People who are unable to comprehend words visually might have their performance regarding higher-level tasks be indirectly harmed if they are unable to obtain course material. 

Thus, the dyslexic individual is in the same boat as someone who has, for example, some visual disability. 

A dyslexic individual might be unable to write at a rapid rate. They might be in a situation akin to a student with a damaged hand during lectures or examinations. Moreover, dyslexics sometimes encounter a mix of multiple such challenges.

Dyslexia – The Foe in Disguise

Writing and reading may be demanding tasks for dyslexic people. They typically have to devote a lot of concentration and energy to read or write a couple of paragraphs. 

The person might feel exhausted due to the excessive effort spent trying to do these tasks. However, this doesn’t indicate that the person is lazy, inattentive, or unable to concentrate; instead, these tasks are simply exhausting for them. 

Furthermore, exhaustion must not be interpreted as a sign that the learner is bored. Even if the person enjoys the tasks, the energy spent doing them might lead them to grow tired.

Thus, it is pretty evident that a person with dyslexia has atypical or unanticipated patterns of learning and strengths and weaknesses in terms of their performance. 

Drowsiness and Lethargy

Drowsiness and Lethargy

Having dyslexia doesn’t indicate that the individual can’t achieve anything if given the time, resources, and motivation. Especially if given a specific deadline, dyslexics who can do complicated reasoning tasks at their own pace may struggle with more fundamental activities. 

Due to their processing issues, dyslexics might require a substantially longer time to accomplish even the most fundamental skills needed for a task. All of this can be incredibly embarrassing and frustrating for them. 

Particular features of the environment might have to be changed to provide people with disabilities access to information and display their knowledge and comprehension. Therefore, dyslexia is comparable to most disorders and disabilities in this regard.

Mental Fatigue and Exhastuation

It is frequently underestimated how difficult and irritating it is for an individual with dyslexia to accomplish a few more fundamental abilities and how much practice is required. 

Here is a nice video explaining about Can Dyslexia Be Passed Down?

Studies discovered that dyslexic students had higher chances of making errors after several attempts on an eye-hand coordination test than students not suffering from the disorder. Yet, they showed similar performance after a year following their training under ideal conditions. 

People with dyslexia have mostly gotten confusing signals about being intelligent and dumb due to their odd combination of difficulties and competence. The visibly intelligent ones might have been labeled as lazy or stubborn. This ends up having a long-term impact on their willingness to keep trying or trust the assessments of them by others. 

Deep emotional damage and, in certain situations, predicted behavioral issues might result from this. It’s not uncommon for dyslexic persons to have extreme endurance, drive, and application based on how they’ve dealt with their condition and how well they’ve received support from others. 

Dyslexia causes weariness, and people suffering from it are more likely to work at or near their exhaustion thresholds for lengthy periods. They have a probable chance of suffering from stress-related illnesses like allergies, asthma, migraine, auto-immune conditions, and working memory challenges.

Stress, Weariness, Tiredness

It has been seen that dyslexic people, on the whole, seem to be exhausted all of the time because dyslexics who find things especially difficult and time-consuming must work harder and sometimes for longer than others to get the same outcomes. 

If such an individual has to put excessive effort into reading or words, additional checking and reviewing for mistakes and processing time is frequently necessary. Symptoms of Dyslexia might become more evident and intensified when a dyslexic is excessively exhausted, upset, or confused. 

As a result, when they are finished with their daily routine tasks, they may be completely drained and broken. This might happen due to addressing and finishing challenging projects that take a lot of energy and attention to detail over a lengthy period. 

Furthermore, the attempt to disguise the amount of effort and stress they have experienced might add to elevated tiredness levels of dyslexics.

Fatigue As A Secondary Symptom

Significant levels of weariness and exhaustion have been connected to the secondary symptoms of dyslexia as well. The increasing level of worry, tension, and lowered self-esteem are among the psychological variables that are much worse than easily recognized language-based indicators, such as slow processing speed and difficulty in reading or writing. 

Being nervous and agitated may be emotionally and physically exhausting by nature, especially if it lasts for an extended period. Because of their neurodiversity, dyslexics are more sensitive to Fatigue, anxiety, stress, and feeling of overload. 

When combined with the natural exhaustion that comes from working extremely hard in their routine, one gets a complex mixture of exhaustion on their hands.


According to studies, people with dyslexia demand greater attention, mental capacity, and focus while engaging in literacy exercises. Because of the additional effort necessary when reading or writing is challenging, symptoms of Fatigue might appear. Therefore, working on making their fluency better, developing a balanced reading strategy, and considering various changes for making the reading process more pleasurable for dyslexics is recommended.

Hence, it is essential to methods to incorporate a variety of reading activities at the child’s present learning level. If a ten-year-old can fluently read at the first-grade level, they should be given books to read at a little higher level. However, it is also crucial to be aware of the child’s exhaustion. 

Reading must not be making them tired. The activity should be stopped in such a case since the goal is to progressively increase endurance and make reading tasks fun.

E-readers can also help dyslexic people read easily. Shorter lines help dyslexics read more efficiently, according to eye-tracking research. 

The user can change the font size and the line number seen on an e-reader. These changes can help to create an environment for smoother eye tracking.

Various other methods can be employed in the short term to help a student with dyslexia stay active. Breaks incorporating physical exercise can be interspersed with reading and spelling tasks. 

Even though these activities would still need writing and reading, the changes of pace might be sufficient to pique their interest in the task.

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