6 Best (And Worst) Jobs For Someone With Seizures




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Job hunting is surely a very challenging task, and it’s especially more challenging for people with Seizures.

If you have this condition, you won’t be able to do well in certain jobs, and if you want to excel, it’s important that you choose the right career for you.

Best (And Worst) Work Conditions For Someone With Seizures

Here is a related article that might interest you on 7 Best (And Worst) Jobs For Someone With Cerebral Palsy.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share the best and worst jobs for people with seizures. This guide will help you determine which jobs are the best and the worst for you. Let’s get started.

Best (And Worst) Work Conditions For Someone With Seizures

Before I get to our jobs, let me tell you briefly about the best and worst work conditions for people with seizures as it will help you evaluate any job on your own, and you will be able to determine if your desired job is good for you or not.

Best Work Conditions For Someone With Seizures

In this section, I’ll share the best work conditions which make the workplace safe for people with seizures.

Supportive Management And Staff

If you have this condition, it’s important that you work in a company where you have the supportive Management and staff. In this way, if you have got the attack, they will be able to help you and make sure that you get the help.

No Isolated Offices

The second ideal working condition for people is that your workplace must not have isolated offices and you should work in open spaces or cabins. If you work in an isolated office and you get a seizure attack, there are great chances that your co-worker might not notice it, and you won’t be able to get timely help.

Camera Monitoring

It’s also important that your office have camera monitoring which is common practice in many companies these days. In this way, if you get a seizure attack, the monitoring person can get medical help for you on time.

Worst Work Conditions For Someone With Seizures

In this section, I’ll share the worst work conditions for someone with seizures, and if your workplace has these work conditions, you should seek a new job immediately.

Highly-stress Work Environment

Stress is not a good thing for people with seizures as it releases certain chemicals in your body, which may lead to seizure attacks. So, if you have seizures, it’s important that you don’t work in a highly-stress work environment.

Isolated Working Space

If you work in an isolated office or anywhere where your co-workers are not around you, it’s not the ideal work condition for you because if you get a seizure attack and no one is around, you won’t be able to get timely help.

6 Best Jobs For Someone With Seizures

Best Jobs For Someone With Seizures

There’s no one size fits all condition when it comes to ideal jobs for people with seizures, as it depends on the severity of your condition. However, the following jobs are considered the best because they involve low stress, and many people with seizures are working in these fields. Let’s have a look at the 6 best jobs for someone with Seizures.

1. Programming

Programming is considered one of the best jobs for people with seizures. The great thing about this field is that you get tons of options as there are dozens of programming languages available, and you can specialize in any one of your choices to start your career as a programmer. On top of that, you can always switch to a new programming language to make your job more interesting.

When you find a job for programming, make sure that you work with big companies as they usually have low-demanding work, and you can get things done without getting a lot of stress. Also, avoid working with any startup as the work environment in startups is pretty fast-paced, and you may need to work for extra hours.

2. Data Entry

Data Entry is another very ideal job for people with seizures. The best thing about this job is that it comes with very little stress and you can work without any problems.

In this job, you get the option to work as an independent contractor and work from home, or you can get a job in a good company to earn money. I would recommend the latter because the company job will come with relatively less stress and you won’t have to work extra hours. However, if you work as an independent contractor, you will have flexible hours, but depending on the requirements of your clients, you may need to work extra hours.

3. Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing is a very popular skill which can help you get a job very easily. In this job, you get the option to work as a general graphic designer, or you can specialize in a niche such as logo designing, branding, etc. If you choose the graphic designing field, you can start learning from online courses, and once you learn the skill, you can easily get a job with a good company.

4. Blogging

Blogging is one of the best jobs for people with seizures. In this field, you can create multiple websites, start posting new content and earn money by showing ads on your websites. If you choose the blogging field, you will need some investment to hire a website developer and get web hosting and domain, but if your website starts getting traffic, you can earn handsome money. However, it’s worth mentioning here that in blogging, you will need to be patient as websites can take months to rank, and during this period, you won’t be making any money.

5. Medical Career

I personally know many people who have seizures, but they work as doctors and nurses. In this career, you will be surrounded by people most of the time, and if you get a seizure attack, you will get timely help from fellow doctors or nurses. So, if you have this condition, you can get a job in a medical career and earn bread for your family.

6. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is another field where you can excel even if you have the seizures. The best thing about this field is that it’s pretty in-demand these days, and if you have digital marketing skills, you can easily get a job in a good company. In this position, you will be working with other marketers to devise strategies for the growth and expansion of your company’s reach on social media platforms. As this job doesn’t come with a lot of stress, it’s one of the best jobs for people with seizures.

6 Worst Jobs For Someone With Seizures

Worst Jobs For Someone With Seizures

These are the 6 worst jobs for people with seizures, and you should avoid them. Let’s have a look at the 6 worst jobs for someone with seizures.

1. Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement is arguably one of the worst jobs for people with seizures. In this job, you will be working in a highly stressed and hostile environment which comes with a lot of stress, and stress is not good for people with seizures. If you have a seizure and you get an attack while on duty, it can prove catastrophic and fatal. So, if you have this condition, working as a law enforcement officer is not recommended.

2. Construction

Construction is another career that is considered one of the worst careers for people with seizures. In this job, you will be working in a dangerous environment where if you get a seizure attack, you can potentially hurt yourself. So, if you have seizures, I will strongly recommend that you don’t get the construction job.

3. Heavy Equipment Operator

Heavy Equipment Operator is another job that I won’t recommend to people with seizures because if you choose this job and you get a seizure attack while operating heavy equipment, you can end up hurting other workers around you. So, if you have this condition, I will recommend that you avoid this job for the safety of you and other people around you.

4. Firefighter

Firefighting is a very difficult job, and it’s not the ideal job for people with seizures. As a firefighter, you will be dealing with fire, and you will also have to go into a dangerous places to save stranded people. If you get a seizure attack while rescuing people, it will pose a serious risk to your life. So, if you have a seizure condition, a firefighter is not the ideal job for you.

5. Truck Driver

Truck Driver is one of the worst jobs for people with seizures. In this job, you will need to drive for hours, and mostly you will be without any assistance, which means that if you get seizures while driving, you can end up hurting yourself and other drivers on the road. Also, this job comes with some stress as well, which can make things worse. So, if you have a seizure condition, I will recommend that you avoid this career.

6. Mechanic

Being a Mechanic, you will have to deal with a wide range of cars, and you will also be around some heavy equipment, which means that if you get a seizure attack at work, you can get seriously hurt. So, if you have seizures, I will recommend that you avoid this job.

Frequently Asked Questions [ FAQs ]

What Jobs Can I Not Do With Epilepsy?

If you have epilepsy, you must not do jobs that involve high stress and pose a risk to your safety and the safety of people around you. Jobs such as Mechanic, Firefighter, truck driver, and Heavy equipment operator are not ideal for people with epilepsy.

What Jobs Can I Do With Epilepsy?

If you have this condition, you can do desk jobs with low to medium stress. Jobs such as graphic designing, Data Entry, blogging, digital marketing, programming, and healthcare worker are considered the best jobs for people with epilepsy.

Can People With Seizures Have Jobs?

Yes, people with seizures do have jobs, and thousands of people with seizures serve in many industries and companies. If you have a seizure condition, you can take measures to control it and excel in your career.

Can People With Epilepsy Work In The Medical Field?

The medical field is considered one of the ideal fields for people with epilepsy. Also, there’s no law available that stops people with epilepsy from working in the medical field. So, if you have a passion, you can join as a doctor or a nurse and help people.

Can I Be Fired For Having Epilepsy?

No company can fire you for having epilepsy, and America also has the “Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),” which protects qualified people with disability. If your employer has fired you for having epilepsy and you believe that epilepsy is not affecting your work, you can get legal help to get back your job.

Should I Tell My Employer I Have Epilepsy?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are not required to disclose your condition voluntarily. However, if your company has supportive Management, you can inform them about your condition so that if you get an epilepsy attack, they are aware of your condition and get you medical help on time.

Can Someone With Epilepsy Be A Police Officer?

Generally, there are no laws in place which prevent people with epilepsy from joining law enforcement agencies, and you can surely join the Police force to become a Police officer. However, I will not recommend that because it’s a job with a lot of stress which is not good for people with epilepsy.

Can You Join The Fbi With Epilepsy?

FBI is a law enforcement institution that doesn’t have any discriminatory policy for people with epilepsy. However, if you decide to join the bureau, you will need to pass the fitness test, which will be conducted by the medical staff, and if you pass the test, you can join the Federal Bureau of Investigations.


Epilepsy is surely a challenging condition, but it should not stop you from pursuing your dreams and becoming successful in your career.

However, it’s important that you choose the right career, and I hope that this guide will help you choose the right job for you. If you have any questions or recommendations, please let me know in the comments.

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