Are you tired of getting sympathy from people just because you are suffering from Parkinson’s disease? Do you think that you have suffered enough alone? Are you searching to find something that would make you feel good in this incurable disease?
If yes, behold, we have listed here some fantastic podcasts that can change your life forever. We have specially made this list keeping in mind that you deserve the best, and these podcasts will try to ensure optimism in you.

We have a related article for you, you can read 13 Best Mobility Aids for Parkinson’s Patients – The Complete Guide
Additionally, it will encourage you to keep going on and move forward with a brave heart. Moreover, this list of podcasts is full of information and knowledge to provide new insight into dealing with the disease. So, let’s jump in and read about them all without any delay.
Table of Contents
Best 10 Parkinson’s Podcasts In 2024
1. Listening To The Specialist: Managing Parkinson’s In Daily Life:
Number one and in line is this fantastic podcast hosted by Dan Caleb. Here doctor Irene Malaty, a disorder specialist from Florida, gives her valuable insight into the struggles of people with Parkinson’s, especially while performing their day-to-day routine activities.
Being a part of the Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence, she has a very close association with people who are struggling with the disease. According to her, this syndrome is entirely unpredictable. Within a day, symptoms can vary as a person can have difficulty moving around the house in the morning; however, this can be eased down in the nighttime.
This disoriented pattern in the motor fluctuations can be disturbing for the patient. However, Dr. Malaty proposes that this can be controlled and contained with the right medication timing and dosages. When the meditation is effective, the movements can be controlled; however, when the medication is at its peak, the patient can suffer from dyskinesia which might lead to vigorous, haphazard involuntary movement.
Moreover, once the medicine times out, then the symptoms can again return, and the patient might feel depressive in that state. Therefore people with Parkinson’s usually rely on their medication, which can be pretty aggravating and frustrating for them.
Furthermore, this podcast teaches how to optimize your functioning by timing your medication. Believe it or not, this part has helped many organize their daily routines and have a balanced everyday life.
2. The Perks Of Exercise And Effective Muscle Movement For People With Parkinson’s:
Number two is episode 3 of Substantial Matters: Life and Science of Parkinson’s titled the benefits of exercise for people with Parkinson’s. This podcast reveals all you need to know about exercise and healthy living, especially when dealing with Parkinson’s.
This episode has genuinely made this podcast a great success by covering all stages and barriers of overcoming Parkinson’s through exercise. Dan Caleb invited Dr. Bas Bloem, a Neurologist from the Netherlands, with his 550 publications and multiple awards.
He has presented value-based healthcare to all patients who have Parkinson’s. He believes that the right kind of exercise can slow down the progression of the disease. It is not only suitable for the motor functions but also helps in sustaining the non-motor functions.
He says that since people suffering from Parkinson’s lead a sedentary lifestyle and face difficulty while moving around, exercise becomes necessary. It does not just help them increase their mobility but also helps them develop their cognition. Therefore, believing that we highly recommend listening to this podcast if you want those muscles into shape and your system running.
3. Red Flags for Parkinson’s
Episode 1, titled Early warning signs of Parkinson’s, was a groundbreaking debut as this podcast covered all the necessary facts required to know whether a person has Parkinson’s or not. It highlighted all the distinguishing symptoms that might help in an early diagnosis of Parkinson’s.
Released in 2017, it featured Dr. Michael Okun, a medical advisor from Florida. He had extensive research in dystonia, Tourette, and movement disorders. Through a phone call, Dr. Okun talks about the early symptoms of Parkinson’s and how to cope with them.
Apart from tremors, a disturbed sleep pattern, constipation, slowness, and stiffness in movement can all lead to the progression of Parkinson’s.
Moreover, these symptoms are likely to vary from person to person as they have broadened over time. However, these symptoms might not always lead to Parkinson’s. They are very generic, and if you are facing them. There is always a slight chance of not having the disease in particular, and the patient might be suffering from something else.
Therefore, he recommends that patients be educated to distinguish that it might only be possible signs of Parkinson’s, and to get any affirmation, they need to see their Neurologist. So, fear not. If you have any singular symptoms, we recommend listening to this podcast for further clarity.
4. Balanced Diet and Nutrition
Important matters life in Science featured another fantastic podcast named the importance of good nutrition for people with Parkinson’s. They invited doctor Bas Bloem again to shed light on the value and importance of eating healthy and how people can benefit from adequate nutrition, especially when dealing with Parkinson’s.
The role of nutrition hasn’t gotten much attention in research. However, it plays a vital role in boosting the effects of medication. Moreover, malnutrition and sudden weight loss are experienced by many patients with Parkinson’s.
One primary recommendation that doctors make is not to consume levodopa with proteins as they are not suitable for intestinal absorption.
Furthermore, dairy products can be avoided, and intake of vegetables, fish, liver cod, and olive oil increases immunity. Moreover, they help with bowel movements and encourage them to regain their appetite.
Learn more about healthy nutrition and the kind of dietary supplements you need to intake when with Parkinson’s to tackle multiple nutritional conflicts.
5. Driving With Parkinson’s
This was one of the best-featured podcasts highlighting the skills required to drive while having Parkinson’s. Substantial matters of life and Science made an exceptionally excellent effort to highlight that people can have an average driving experience.

By taking some extra measures, Lissa Kapust and other professionals developed a Drivewise program that states the skills and mental abilities required for safe driving, especially for people suffering from the respective illness.
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The program assesses the driver’s capabilities to drive safely on the road; he believes their independence and stability hamper this experience. It is an emotionally sensitive area where many patients suffering from neurological or psychological diseases show reluctance.
Furthermore, a multidisciplinary team evaluates the person scared of riding safely and then delivers success reports, keeping in mind how the person approaches driving physically, emotionally, and socially.
Times when their news is good, revealing that they are still in the shape of driving, the patient becomes emotionally independent and feels good about himself. Contrary to this, hearing that they are no longer able to drive might lead to a problematic situation in the patient’s life as now they would have to depend on others.
6. Levodopa And Its Delivery
For a very long period, levodopa has been considered one of the best treatments for Parkinson’s. Yet there are a few things that need to be kept in mind regarding the delivery method of this very effective drug.
Dr. Mark Guttmam highlights the various problems related to the infusion of levodopa. Using oral dopamine medications helps people sustain Parkinson’s. However, there are instances where one patient experiences disorientation and frustration with their use.
Eradicating the myths associated with levodopa use that it only works for a few years, and after that, it just stops affecting the disease.
He further highlights various strategies for inducing it into the intestine. One effective method is through surgery when a small incision is made into the small intestine, and then levodopa is inserted into it through a pipe.
However, this method is not cost-efficient, and this is only recommended for patients with high levels of Parkinson’s that are not treated with oral medication. Another method is the insertion of levodopa through a syringe into a small patch of the skin.
Moreover, other gastro retentive formulation capsules are taken orally, and once they get into the system, they burst out and deliver levodopa in the system. For learning other methodologies, stay tuned and listen to the full podcast at the official website and learn more about the treatment and prevention of Parkinson’s.
7. A Guide To Genetical Neuroprotection In Parkinson’s Disease
A fantastic podcast was released in episode 7 that discussed genetics as a guide to neuroprotection, especially in patients struggling with Parkinson’s disease. It featured doctor David K. Simon, specializing in Harvard Songbird Neurology Residency in Boston. He brought into Limelight the role of genes in triggering Parkinson’s disease in millions of patients across the globe.
Furthermore, he discusses the LRRK2 and GBA gene structures that contain information associated with Parkinson’s. Significant light is put on the term biomarkers.
These biomarkers are certain specific characteristics of the body that are measurable. It is essential to know about them as they are pretty helpful in medical research and drug infusion.
They also aid in decreasing the disease progression. Genetics can also help freeze and preserve specific nerve cells containing Parkinson’s by evaluating the activity of particular enzymes present in the brain.
8. Initial Challenges Of Parkinson’s At A Young Age
Accepting that you have Parkinson’s is hard but what is even more complicated is revealing that to your family and friends. Telling people at your workplace that you’re dealing with Parkinson’s can be a significant challenge. This podcast discusses various dealing methods highlighted by social worker Elane Book while facing Parkinson’s.
Young-onset to Parkinson’s can be troublesome because you see your career, future, and responsibilities ahead of you. However, Elane brings the light of hope into the life of youngsters as a series of patterns can be seen in their life. She believes that young minds can cope with Parkinson’s quite effectively. Their bodies are healthier than older adults, and their Parkinson’s can be controlled quite well with proper medication and diet.
She identified a similar pattern in the lives of youngsters and acknowledges that it is fear in the life of Parkinson’s patients that do not want to reveal or disclose their disease, fearing that they will either lose their job or be ridiculed for it.
However, she advises that it is an excellent strategy to be open about your disease so that other people can understand what you are struggling with, which might also shape a tolerant outlook towards the disease. So if you are a youngster suffering from onset Parkinson’s 101, then this podcast is the right choice.
9. Marijuana And Its Medical Use For Parkinson’s
Research is being conducted on medical marijuana, also known as Cannabis, in treating various health conditions. This podcast uncovers all the latest research and development related to the use of marijuana as a medical drug. It has now been legalized in 33 states of the USA and is being treated for many neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s. It contains cannabinoid receptors that are deeply linked with neurons that regulate body functioning; therefore, the use of marijuana came into being as a neuroprotective agent that allegedly helps in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
There is still much to discover about the use of marijuana as there is not sufficient substantial evidence regarding its effect on cognition and thinking. All of this sounds extremely interesting and if you are curious about what marijuana can do in the lives of Parkinson’s patients, continue listening to the podcast.
10. Non-motor Issues Related To Parkinson’s
There are multiple non-motor issues that many patients often feel embarrassed talking about. The disturbance is related to sexual intimacy, urinary infections, sleep patterns, and other similar issues that they are hesitant to reveal.
Episode 28 highlights the autonomic problems and the solutions that can be adopted to lessen the pain and struggle associated with Parkinson’s. Dr. Tanya GoreVich from the medical center of Israel discusses the problems and their easy solutions.
Also, make sure to check out my post on How Does Parkinson’s Disease Begin?
Belonging to the interdisciplinary neuro autonomic disturbance unit, she reveals some comprehensive strategies to help both the patient and their families. Working on minor symptoms and eliminating them can make a huge difference in their life if others highlight different types of nervous systems and their functions associated with them.
To know more about the problems and solutions that can be adopted for a better comfortable life, be recommends listening to this fart cast and make small efforts daily so that your struggle with Parkinson’s turns out to be a successful one.

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a professional trainer specializing in the elderly population and I’m also a website designer. I love training in the gym, going to the beach, traveling, and having good food.
I combined my love for sport and website designing to make “DisabilitEase” whose purpose is to help elderly and disabled people live a more full and active life, have more fun, and enjoy their unique journey despite any disability.