Best Adaptive Equipment for Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI)




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The Brachial Plexus is a network of nerves in our body that is basically used to send signals from your spinal cord to the upper body parts such as the Shoulders, Arms, and Hands.

When these nerves get stretched, compressed, or ripped, it results in Brachial Plexus Injury. Now the severity of the Brachial Plexus Injury and Recovery varies from person to person, and it can take years to fully recover from it.

Brachial Plexus Injury

Here is a related article that might interest you on Best Adaptive Equipment for Arm Amputees.

If you also have Brachial Plexus Injury, it can get difficult for you to do a lot of things in your daily life, but there are Adaptive Equipment available that can help you with it.

In this Guide, I will share the Best Adaptive Equipment for Brachial Plexus Injury.

Note: The Equipment I shared in this guide is based on my research. It’s possible that some equipment might not be ideal for you based on your condition, and I’d strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before trying any of recommended equipment.

Best Adaptive Equipment for Brachial Plexus Injury


EaZyHold is arguably one of the best Adaptive equipment for Brachial Plexus Injury. It’s a very simple yet very effective tool that allows you to hold a lot of things with minimum effort.

EaZyHold comes in various shapes and sizes, which make it easier to hold various items such as Bottles, Spoons, Rackets, Bats, and more. The best thing about EaZyHold is that it’s very durable, and it works well for most BPI patients.

Bedside Beverage Holder

Bedside Beverage Holder is another very useful Adaptive Equipment that is ideal for people with Severe Brachial Plexus Injury. It’s a very durable Beverage Holder which can easily hold the Beverages so that you could drink them.

It also comes with an 11 inch long, strong arm that can easily hold big Beverages. Also, it has a durable plastic clamp that allows you to attach the Holder anywhere near your bed or onto the bedside.

Clip Different Pro

Clip Different Pro is one of the best Adaptive Equipment for Less Severe Brachial Plexus Injury. It’s an automated Nail Clipper that you can use to clip your nail with minimum effort.

It uses advanced sensors to detect and clip your nails which makes it incredibly easier to use the device. The process of clipping nails with Clip Different Pro is very simple. You will need to insert your nails into the designated spot and move them sideways. In this way, the sensor will detect the movement and use the blade to precisely clip your nails.

Sammons Preston Pan Holder

Sammons Preston Pan Holder is a very useful adaptive equipment that you can use to cook food. The best thing about this Pan Holder is that it’s very stable, and it comes with suction cups which make sure that the Holder doesn’t move from its location.

In this way, your pan won’t move, and you can easily cook delicious food with only one hand. Another great thing about it is that it’s highly adjustable, and you can easily fit it on any surface you want.

Automatic Toothpaste Dispenser

If one of your arms is not functioning due to Brachial Plexus Injury and you want to brush your teeth without the help of your Assistant, you can use an Automatic Toothpaste Dispenser.

The best thing about this Toothpaste Dispenser is that it’s made of food-grade polymer material, which is completely safe and hygienic. It also comes with a very simple yet creative mechanism which makes it very easy to put toothpaste on the brush.

The Dispenser has a small handle on the inside which you will need to push with your brush, and the Dispenser with dispense the toothpaste on the brush. In this way, you can easily use toothpaste to brush your teeth with minimum effort.

Sammons Preston Universal Cuff

Sammons Preston Universal Cuff is another very useful Adaptive Equipment that you can use depending on the severity of your Brachial Plexus Injury. This Adaptive Equipment is mainly designed to help you with holding various utensils such as Spoons, Forks, and Knives.

It’s ideal for people who have weak or limited grasp because, with Universal Cuff, you won’t need to grasp any utensil. All you will have to do is to put utensils in the cuff and start using them to eat or cut food.

Also, the good thing about Sammons Preston Universal Cuff is that it’s pretty durable, and you can easily clean it with Tap Water. If you have a weak hand due to Brachial Plexus Injury, you can surely use Sammons Preston Universal Cuff to hold utensils.

Brachial Plexus Injury

Sock Slider

Wearing Socks with Brachial Plexus Injury can get very difficult, but you can use the Sock Slider to help you with it. It’s a simple tool that makes it incredibly easier to wear socks.

All you will have to do is to put your sock onto the slider and then slide your foot into the slider to wear the socks. Also, if you want to remove them, use the Sock Slider Handle to remove the socks. If you are someone who wears socks every day and has Brachial Plexus Injury, you can surely use the Sock Slider.

Nike FlyEase

Wearing Shoes and taking them off with Brachial Plexus Injury or any other major injury is not a simple process. That’s why Nike has introduced its new shoe lineup, “Nike FlyEase,” that features shoes that you can wear without using your hands.

The Shoes in Nike FlyEase collection uses the materials and mechanisms which make it easier for users to wear them without using hand. Also, it offers a variety of shoes, and you can easily pick the shoe of your choice.

Terry Soap Mitt

Terry Soap Mitt is another very simple and useful Adaptive Equipment that you can use to clean your utensils or other things. The Mitt comes with a small belly where you can easily fit your soap in a secure manner and use it to clean the utensils. Terry Soap Mitt is a great option for you if you have Brachial Plexus Injury, but you also need to manage your home.

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop is a very useful adaptive equipment that will help you fully recover from Brachial Plexus Injury. It comes with a large variety of resistance loops with various resistance levels. The good thing about this resistance Loop is that it’s made of high-quality material, and it won’t break after usage.

Overall, if you are on the road to recovery from Brachial Plexus Injury, Fit Simplify Resistance Loop can definitely help you with it. However, before you get this loop, make sure that you consult with your doctor and only use it if your doctor clears you for it.

Frequently asked questions [FAQs]

Can I do housework during Brachial Plexus Injury?

Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI) is a complex injury, and its severity also varies from person to person. So, I would strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before doing any work or using adaptive equipment. Once your doctor clears you for it, you can start using adaptive equipment to do everyday tasks.

Is there any Equipment to do Exercise during Brachial Plexus Injury?

Yes, there is exercise equipment available such as Stress Bands which you can do for Exercise during BPI. However, it’s important that you must do it with proper guidance and under the supervision of your doctor. In most cases, your doctor will recommend a series of exercises that will help you recover from Brachial Plexus Injury.

Is Brachial Plexus Injury Permanent?

Brachial Plexus Injury is a complex injury, and the duration of recovery mainly depends on the severity. If you have a less severe injury, you can recover within weeks, but if you have a severe one, it might take years to fully recover from it.

How can a person with Brachial Plexus Injury cut nails safely?

Brachial Plexus Injury often leads to Numbness which means that you won’t be able to feel anything. In this case, if you try to cut your nails, you can hurt yourself. So, it’s important that choose a device that is safe. Clip Different Pro is a useful device that precisely cuts the nails safely. All you will have to do is to put your nails in the designated spot and move it sideways to cut your nails. In this way, you can safely cut your nails.

Which Shoes are best for a person with Brachial Plexus Injury?

There is a large variety of shoes available which you can use, but if you want the one which you can wear with minimum effort, I would recommend Nike FlyEase Lineup. The best thing about the Nike FlyEase shoe collection is that it comes with shoes that you can wear without using your hand. Also, it comes with a large variety of shoes which is another plus.


That’s all, folks. These are the 10 Adaptive Equipment for people with Brachial Plexus Injury. It’s important to note that some of this Adaptive Equipment might not be useful for you depending on the severity of your injury.

So, make sure that you consult with your doctor before using any of the recommended equipment. If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments. Also, check this guide if you are looking for Adaptive Equipment for Getting in and Getting out of Bed.

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