Can A Deaf Person Be A Singer, Composer, or Musician?




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Can Deaf people be singers/composers/musicians? Absolutely! Some can learn perfectly to sing; some minor adjustments are needed to compensate for their hearing loss.

Music is a creation that can be used as effective communication between a Deaf person and a Normal person. There are many successful deaf musicians, such as Beethoven, Mozart, and so on.

Here is a related article that might interest you on How Do I Know If I Am Becoming Deaf?

Can Deaf People Hear Music?

Deafness does not necessarily mean that a person cannot hear anything at all. Just like one may have poor vision but can see something, a hearing-impaired person can still hear some sounds or music. The degree of this ability varies from person to person. Under normal circumstances, most of us can hear frequencies between 20Hz and 20kHz.

And with the help of proper hearing aids or just turning the volume up it is possible for hard-of-hearing people to listen to music.

Completely Deaf people do not hear sounds as we do. They cannot hear music or understand musical notes. They can, however, feel the vibrations of the music through their bodies.

Also, feel free to check out my post – 10 Famous Blind Musicians, Opera Singers, and Tenors That You Must Know.

Feeling the vibration and the touch of a Bass instrument or a drum while reading the lyrics of the song might help them to achieve an amazing “feel” of the song.

A great device that enables deaf people to “feel” music is the SubPac. Subpack is a wearable device that translates music to energy and transfers it to the body. You can read more on the Subpac device here.

Deaf dancer Shaheem Sanchez uses the SubPac for both performance and to learn choreography. (Brandon White)

Another great way for deaf people to enjoy music is provided by D-PAN(The Deaf Performing Arts Network).

D-PAN which one of its co-founders is Sean Forbes, a deaf musician, has a great YouTube channel in which they make popular songs accessible to deaf people by implementing signs, lyrics, and deaf and hard of hearing actors that expressing the lyrics using ASL.

D-PAN also provides a great stage for deaf and hard of hearing musicians to share their music.

Are There Effective Ways to Teach Deaf Students Musical Skills?

There are various techniques for teaching musical skills to deaf students. They include Kodaly Method, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Orff Schulwerk, and Carl Orff in Schools, all of which have a set of instructions and rules on how to receive training in music.

Orff Schulwerk uses several musical instruments to help deaf students learn their musical talents quickly and efficiently. It is very necessary to teach deaf people how to play music because this is their only way to express themselves by showing and playing what they feel inside.

Are Music Curricular an Effective Means of Providing Musical Opportunities for Deaf Students?

The inability to hear or use verbal communication is one of the biggest obstacles for deaf children. Their understanding of the world around them lacks descriptive words, sounds or music.

Music curricular provides deaf students with a more in-depth awareness of musical meanings and instruments. Although care needs to be taken when developing music curricular for deaf students, it can be an effective means of providing musical opportunities for these students.

I’m Deaf or Hearing Impaired, Can I succeed In The Music Business?

The short answer is yes. Deaf people can be singers, composers, or musicians. but only if you are willing to work hard at overcoming the challenges you will face.

There are many deaf people who have a very successful music career. one of them is the Scottish percussionist – Dame Evelynn Glennie.

Dame Evelynn Glennie had a long and successful career that included collaboration with artists such as Björk, Bobby McFerrin, and Mark Knopfler.

In the video below she will explain how feeling sound is an actual thing and how any deaf people can feel it.

Here are a few tips for being successful in the music business.

How to Succeed As A Musician if you are Deaf Or Hearing Impaired?

  1. Get a cochlear implant or hearing aid and Make sure you have good equipment and that you can hear yourself as clearly as possible
  2. Work with a good voice teacher and speech therapist
  3. Try to co-operate with hearing musicians
  4. Practice Singing And Performing As Much As You Can in order to get feedbacks
  5. Practice singing and playing instruments every day

And don’t forget that The love for music is what makes the musician, not his ears.

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